I got home yesterday
and let me tell you, the LES is looking beautiful
I've really learned my lesson
I promise to pack lighter next year
maybe I"ll bring only 20 pairs of shoes next time
but, this morning
I woke up in a room, alone
and it felt good
I could hear all the traffic on the Williamsburg bridge
and right outside my room door
was a patiently waiting pup
just dying to play fetch and lay on the couch
I had my mom's Spanish coffee
right out of my Hello Kitty mug
(college coffee is so nasty)
and a mom-let
with yellow american cheese on white bread
my classic favorite food
there was Spongebob
and lots of revolutionary things happened
Spongebob got round pants, and a booty
Patrick turned into a sexy woman complete with blond pigtails and red lipstick
I must say, he was a hottie
it feels so good to be home
where everyone wears shoes at all times
each street smells like a different type of food
halal is always the most tantalizing
and sometimes you run into a street fair (which made me oh so happy)
thai spring rolls, nom
and you don't see the same face,
or the same college sweatshirt or
ethnic print harem pants (oddly popular at Vassar) twice
I was just speechless as I walked around
I forgot how beautiful Essex Street is, it's an acquired taste type of beautiful
but lovely, and welcoming all the same

I got reacquainted with my non-edible-double-decker love Forever
I was on the L train and I had the fleeting worry
"oh my god, I have so much reading to do tonight"
I forget that those are the worries of the past,
goodbye Art History flash cards
(they really got to my head, I was working in the library the other day
and as I scanned out some books for a girl,
instead of telling her the due date, May 21,
I handed back the book and said 1921)
but, the triumph of the day was the noms
vegan Pizza from Vinnie's in WillyB

Barbeque chicken slice with vegan cheese
I load on the hot sauce and parmesan cheese and I'm just in heaven
granted, when I eat spicy food I feel like my lips swell
but it hurts so good
and who doesn't like a lil added lusciousness.
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