It's been a while,
and I've been feeling a bit uninspired
which means I've been getting all my readings done and going to bed at decent times
but after my weekend I feel chock full of
blogging inspiration,
but most of all, because today was nearly one of the best days....ever
my humble little trip to Stop & Shop today, proved out to be
one of the best shopping experiences of my life
and thats saying a whole lot, for me anyways
let me just cut to the chase,
I love Dippin Dots,
its a crazy, inexplicable, dangerous love affair
between me and the scrumptious, temporal little spheres of coldness and sweet sensation
this love affair has been raging for years, my heart swells with elation
every time I visit and amusement park, knowing that for about 6 bucks I could
taste the most innovative and delish morsels ever
my mouth waters just thinking of the cookies and cream
with the Oreo pieces, or the Birthday Cake flavor which I first experienced
in Universal Studios after a bout of crying
my best friend Monica did not try to calm my tears, but instead
she bought me the big size of Birthday Cake Dippin Dots, to consume all by myself
now that's the best friend you could ever have
no hugs, just Dippin Dots, ah how well she knows me
my tears instantly dried up and I just kept on truckin'
with my pink, yellow, blue, and white pastel ice cream bits
right on to the Jurassic Park ride I went, happy as a clam you could say
anyhow, I'm just hooked
I love amusement parks, roller coasters, thrills, spills, waterslides, and lazy rivers
but what makes the whole experience worth it, is the Dippin Dots
so there I was in Stop & Shop walking down each aisle
getting grapefruits, strawberries, lots of cereal, and other great items
when in the ice cream section I stumbled upon Itti Bitz
individual servings of Dippin Dots.................for the low price of ONE DOLLAR!!!!
there is where I died, gathering cookies and cream, cookie dough, and neapolitan
to eat in the comfort of my dorm
I screamed about how jealous Monica would be
for she is one of the few who shares my odd affinity for these frozen treats
I felt like I won a million dollars,
waiting for the shuttle back to school I was beaming
calling my mother to tell her the good news
never again will I have to wait to go to Six Flags,
no roller coaster or water slide necessary for this thrill
life got even better though,
I also found 79 cent DIET GRAPE SODA!
the second best find of my life
seeing as I love love love grape soda
and have not had it in years
I felt like God really loved me today,
I didn't even get ashes last week
and as I boarded the shuttle
bags of wonder in tow,
sun shining through the window, warming my hair
Bad Romance began playing on the radio
dancing in my seat with my Gaga claws was
a beautiful end to my blissful trip.
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