Although I am super sleepy, not to mention worn out
I mustered up the strength to bake a banana cake
because I had some leftover homemade cream cheese icing in the fridge
can't let that go to waste can I?
I was feeling like a fun-loving, risk taker,
so I decided to add Nutella filling
because what could be better than banana and chocolate hazelnut?
nearly nothing, so I took a baby spoon and dropped a dollop of nutella into each cup of batter
I was totally inspired by this treats truck that was parked outside of
Washington Square Park called
Cake & Shake
I'm such an ice cream purist, I don't really drink milkshakes
but the cupcakes were really delish
and I'm a super picky when it comes to cupcakes
(I know where my loyalties lie)
I got the Heaven Split
caramel buttercream, banana cake & chocolate hazelnut
it was an artisan cupcake, ruffled liner
textured, piped creamy icing,
yummy dense cake, and a chocolate surprise on the inside
pretty doesn't always win with me, but this was nom
I think I might need to stalk this truck.

I'm gonna make banana cake today too!