and thankfully, I found out that Luna Park had not changed a thing
there was still that smell of fried food and saltwater, heavy in the air
and the man screaming "ice cold water bottles, one dollar"
still greeted me as I walked towards the boardwalk
the men sketchily selling Coronas out of their backpacks
still trudged slowly through the sand
and the women selling hand peeled, sliced mangos were still at it
Luna Park did not take away that old-school, rickety glory of
Wonder Wheel park
the same rides that I went on as a kid were still standing
the Tilt-a-Whirl still spinning, creating blurs of primary colors
the Thunder Bolt still blasting cheesy pop music,
candy apples were abundant, their hard cherry shells staining my lips
but most of all, I hoped that Ralph's Italian Ices would still be sitting
under that recognizable white tent
over a dozen flavors that I had loved since childhood
like the pink bubblegum, with tiny chiclets inside that streaked the ice
the brightest of blues & oranges
and Ralph's did not fail me
a Pistachio & Cookies n Cream icee was all I needed
ah, sweet euphoria.

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