Yesterday I took a break from my obscenely long walks
that zig zag from the LES to Tribeca to Chelsea
and instead, I gave my feet a break and let the train take me somewhere
I went to Park Slope, to enjoy some eats and visit my favorite flea market
I forgot how much I love Park Slope, I just feel out of place sometimes
because the sidewalks are literally seas of baby carriages,
(do people just get knocked up and move to Park Slope & Tribeca?)
but I had a wonderful day, probably because Uncle Louie G's icees
greeted me as I emerged from the 7th ave F train stop
these irresistible icees are my absolute fave,
so I got a chocolate jell ring & cannoli icee
the cannoli literally tastes like rich cannoli cream, yummm

The flea market on 7th ave has always been my favorite, its in a playground,
giving it even more of a nostalgic ambiance
when I was 15 I would visit to buy hot pink vintage pumps &
to ogle sequined 80s prom dresses I longed to wear to high school
thank god I've gotten more classy since those days in '06,
so now I dig the granny earrings, decor, and kitsch
my best find was a 1957 issue of Ladie's Home Journal
the pages were beautifully illustrated, the ads were witty,
the recipes were classic,
and all of the women were glamorous & flawless (before the days of photoshop)
which left me wishing I was born in the 30s,
yea Kotex "napkins" were sanitary belts in those days,
(I'm sure that idea makes any 21st century girl cringe)
but I'd make that sacrifice just to be a 50s woman
with beautiful kitchen appliances
There were so many other interesting finds at the flea market,
like vintage anonymous family photos, glassware, appliances &
housewife dresses & creepy dolls
one Woody figurine caught my eye,
it was a small toy from when Burger King put Toy Story toys in their kid's meals
which was in my childhood, this little figurine was going for 5 whole bucks
for a 50 cent Burger King toy, a steep vintage price
which made me feel oh so old,
1995 wasn't so long ago!....was it?

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