I love life right now
a little while ago
I was attempting to understand synesthsia and phantom limbs
whilst tackling a statistics assignment in Excel
when I got a frantic phone call at the library desk
it was a poor girl and she said "is there anyone there that can help me with Excel?"
she's probably an English major, or better yet, a Religion major
with no concept of what math is anymore
taking intro Econ
puts a smile on my face to know
I'm not in this boat alone
the next great thing that happened?
I found a book called
The Bagel:The Surprising History of a Modest Bread
which got my foodie senses tingling
and made me miss Astoria, home of the best, fattest bagels
just when I started feeling a growl rising in my stomach
a freshman from my dorm came over to the library, like a savior
and brought me a perfect square of apple crumble,
this isn't your run of the mill freshman
this is a supreme lady baker freshman angel
(she's out of this world cute: think neon pink berets and scuba masks)
who concocts delicious baked goods every single day
I hear a quiet knock on my door every night at around 8,
at peak study time, while I'm jamming to some JLO,
and she's there with a new treat
so far I've had to die for walnut banana bread
(I'm such a sucker for walnuts)
strawberry cupcakes,
oatmeal, chocolate chip peanut butter cookies
(the chocolate was gooey just like on TV)
and apple walnut bread,
the food gods sent her to live in my dorm
to help me combat the blues I get from
not being able to watch the Food Network

The library is poorly lit
(which is why I can't sit at my desk without getting sleepy crossed eyes)
so the crumble doesn't read in a photo as the shining beacon it truly was
but it saved me.
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